Installing Prerequisites
Installing JRE
To install JRE, follow these steps:
- Download Oracle JRE 1.8.0_192/242 or AdoptOpenJDK
- Follow the instructions on the installation wizard to complete installation.
Installing Apache Tomcat
To install Apache Tomcat, follow these steps:
- Unzip the erwin DI Suite installation package.
- Navigate to the Tomcat folder.
- Double-click the Apache Tomcat executable file. For example, \Tomcat\apache-tomcat-8.5.35.exe.
The Apache Tomcat installation wizard appears. - Follow the instructions on the wizard to enter appropriate port numbers.
By default, Apache Tomcat uses port 8080. - Enter the username and password to access the web server.
By default, the credentials are set to admin/admin. - On the Java Virtual Machine selection window, set the path to point to the JRE/Java 8 folder.
Note: If multiple JRE versions are installed on your environment, ensure that the path is set to JRE 8. - Follow the instructions to complete installation.
Once Apache Tomcat is installed, you need to configure its memory settings for optimum performance.
To configure memory settings in case of normal installation and Tomcat Manager, follow these steps:
- Go to Windows Start Menu > Apache Tomcat > Configure Tomcat.
The Apache Tomcat properties window appears. - Go to the Java tab.
- Under Java Options, add the following settings:
Note: Ensure that the Initial memory pool and Maximum memory pool fields are blank.
To configure memory settings in case of Tomcat ZIP installation (startup.bat), follow these steps:
- Locate and open the catalina.bat file (Microsoft Windows) or (Unix) file on your computer.
- Add the following settings:
- catalina.bat: set CATALINA_OPTS=%CATALINA_OPTS% -Xms2048m –Xmx16384m
- CATALINA_OPTS="$CATALINA_OPTS -Xms2048m –Xmx16384m"
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